Southwest Bond Services Inc.


Southwest Bond Service Inc. - Bonding Arizona since 1990

Notary Application

All fields are now required due to the State requirement of pre-filling the applications before submitting the signed copy

Forms will be processed within 3 working days

This information is for our use only no info will be shared with any other business.

An incomplete application will delay your notary commission. If you don’t want to submit the information online place in all XXXX’s and give us a call to provide the correct values so we can submit them to the State. If you have any questions please call us at (623) 974-6453.

REMEMBER! The issue date on your bond must be no more than 60 days before or 30 days after the day your new commission begins. The expiration date on your bond must be one day less than the effective date. Your name must be entered and signed exactly the same on this application as on your bond.

    New AppointmentReappointment

    Arizona Notary App


    Please answer the following questions.

    YES      NO

    1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or a lesser offense involving
    moral turpiture or of a nature that is incompatible with the duties of a notary public?
    If the answer to #1 is “Yes,” have you had your civil right restored?
    2. Have you even had a professional license revoked, suspended, restricted, or denied for misconduct, dishonesty, or any cause that substantially relates to the duties or responsibilities of a notary public?
    3. Have you ever had a notary commission revoked, suspended, restricted, or denied in this state or any other jurisdiction?
    4. Are you 18 years of age or older?
    5. Are you an Arizona resident, claiming your Arizona residence as your primary residence for state and federal tax purposes?
    6. Can you read and write English?
    7. Have you been commissioned as a notary public in any other state in the last four (4) years?

    (If “yes”, please specify the location(s):

    8. Are you a citizen or a legal permanent resident of the United States of America?
    9. Where do you want your Notary Commission and Supplies mailed. Please check one